Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cell phone on the brain

Let me preface this post with saying people who know me well often characterize me as a worry wart. Especially when it comes to health related issues…

Over the past seven years, I have heard two stories that have stuck me and caused me to regularly fret over the thought of cell phone waves penetrating into the bodies of my loved ones (I know, I know, it sounds silly to base fears on such stories):

  • A friend of mine told me her friend died of a brain tumor, and that the doctors it was likely a result of too much cell phone use

  • A guy I used to work with told me his daughter was born with some rare skin disorder and his wife swears it’s because he wore his blackberry on his belt for so many years

Those close to me normally laugh off my neurotic ranting. I swear my husband automatically tunes me out now when I remind him to use his hands free device and to never carry his phone in his pocket. And he laughed when I spoke of an article claiming sleeping with your cell phone on your nightstand messes with your sleep patterns. Just another one of Kristin’s “paranoid delusions”!

All kidding aside, today I read that the chief of the cancer institute of University of Pittsburgh sent a memo to his 3000 employees asking them to limit cell phone use, citing cancer risk. The FDA in return comments that no risk is yet confirmed and that if a risk does exist, it is probably very small.

Do what you want with the info. For now, I'm going to stick to my old-school wired hands-free set and try not to carry my cell phone close to my body.

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